Lots sent: 5
Lots received: 2
Lots in progress: 0
Stars received: 4.80
Country: Russia
Languages: Russian, English
Member since: 04 October 2024
Last activity: 24 March 2025
My name is Artjom. I am from Russia.
I collect post stamps many years.
Please DONT send me post stamps of Russia, USSR, UK, Netherlands, Spain and definitives of all countries. All other stamps are welcome.
I am MOSTLY interested in stamps of USA, Vietnam, China, Germany, British and French colonies (all of it 1960s and older).
I am interested in all topics of stamps.
If its possible, please send me something really special and interesting, that would be fine to receive for you too.
Old stamps (1960s and older) from all countries are welcome! Also, mint stamps are welcome too.
Please, use post stamps in good condition.
Extra stamps in letter are always nice, I will add +1 to your grade.
PLEASE write on envelope, which club are you from (25 st, 50 st, 100 st or mint st, because I registered on all of them)
My main collection is worldwide public transport tickets.
My site - tickets.ucoz.com
If you can add in envelope some transport cards or tickets from your country, it would be great and I would be happy!
PLEASE, DONT send registered letters on this address, because I can not received them! Only simple letter (normal post). Thank you!